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Call for Scientific Sessions

​The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) welcomes and invites scientific session proposals for the 2025 CMS Summer Meeting in Québec, QC from June 6 to June 9, 2025.


  • The purpose of the scientific sessions is to share cutting edge research on a given mathematical topic, as suggested by the organizers.

  • Sessions are scheduled blocks, with each block ranging from 2 to 2.5 hours in length, and take place from  June 6-9. Typical scientific sessions have between 10 and 20 talks of 20 minutes each, with 10 minutes between talks, but 50-min talks are possible. Indeed, the organizers are welcome to suggest non-traditional usage of the block times and format.

  • The CMS will host an open call for abstracts for all sessions, and asks organizers to consider all eligible abstract submissions for their session.

  • The CMS strives for inclusive meetings with diverse representation, and it is important to strive for this when organizing Scientific Sessions. Please see here for more information about what is meant by diversity, and for tips towards organizing an inclusive session.

  • Note that there is a separate call for Education Sessions.

  • All proposed sessions should be in line with the CMS Code of Conduct.

Proposals should be submitted online, and will require the following:
  1. Names, affiliations, and contact information for two or three organizers: A lead organizer and one or two co-organizer(s).

  2. A title and a two to three-sentence summary that will be posted on the website for potential speakers.

  3. The number of blocks requested (blocks are 2 or 2.5 hours long).

  4. A pdf file including a description of the topic and purpose of the session (1-2 paragraphs), as well as a description of considerations made towards an equitable and inclusive session for a diverse group of participants. This file will not be publicly posted.

  5. A spreadsheet including list of possible speakers. Please have columns "Last Name", "First Name", "Affiliation", "Career Stage", and "Webpage", with as much information filled out for potential speakers as possible. This file will not be publicly posted. The template for the list of potential speakers can be found here.


Proposals will be selected by the Scientific Organizing Committee, limited by room space, taking into consideration the topics, purposes, diversity and inclusivity of the proposals, both individually and when taken all together.

A note on Organizers

The lead organizer should hold a PhD or equivalent in the area of expertise relevant to the subject of the session. Having a senior researcher (e.g. Professor or tenured Associate Professor) paired with someone earlier in their career (e.g. tenure track Assistant Professor or Postdoctoral Fellow) would be ideal.
We ask that each potential organizer only propose a single session.

Submission Form and Deadlines: 

Please submit proposals by filling out this form. There will be two rounds of submissions. Proposals submitted by January 31, 2025, will be considered in the first round, with responses shortly thereafter.  The deadline for the second round will be March 14, 2025.

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